What causes spiritual paralysis? Three answers are given in today’s gospel (Lk. 5:17-26). The first is sin. In order for the Lord’s healing to be effected, the reality of sin has to be addressed. That is why the first action of Jesus was to pronounce forgiveness.
The second is a lack of faith. Even though the Scribes, Pharisees and the crowd were in the presence of Jesus, they doubted His ability to speak forgiveness into being. They were all ‘paralysed’ by their pride rather than surrender to the power of the Lord.
The third is the company we keep. The man on the stretcher was brought to Jesus by his friends. The onlookers - wrapped in their own darkness - were mere spectators. We all need to ponder if the company we keep help us to grow in faith and love.
Lord Jesus, we place our families, friends and all You have brought into our lives at Your feet. Heal us Lord. Forgive us Lord, and empower us to walk in Your footsteps. Amen.
Fr. Howie