In the Season of Advent, we wait for the Lord. We look forward to the Lord’s return at the end of time. We also joyfully celebrate His being born in time, which we call Christmas. But every birth requires a mother and father. Enter Mary and the Holy Spirit.
In the gospel (Lk. 1:26-38), we read that Mary was chosen by the Father for the Son. But she had to first give her consent, which would then allow the Holy Spirit to fall on her. She was pronounced “full of grace” to highlight her important role in salvation history.
Since Jesus is without sin, then the womb that cradled Him had to be pure and spotless. It was only possible by God’s power and grace. Mary was ‘immaculately conceived’ so that she could be the mother of God. This is all God’s work. For this, we give thanks.
Triune God, You lovingly create and then wonderfully re-create to attain Your glory. As You created Mary in a unique way to attain Your purpose, so too we humbly ask that You fill us with Your grace, so that we can effectively reveal Your love and joy to all people. Amen.
Fr. Howie