Three interesting points surface in today’ gospel (Lk. 6:12-19) for our reflection:
1. Jesus spent the night in prayer before making a decision about His Disciples (6:12). Before we enter into a difficult conversation; undertake a task or project; eat a meal or share with others; desire a course of action or result, do we first seek God in prayer?
2. Despite the crowd who followed Him, Jesus chose twelve Disciples (6:13). In the Old Testament, the Lord used a remnant, small group, Judge or Prophet to reveal His will. As Jesus continued this practice, do we allow the Spirit, and not the crowd, to lead us?
3. Power came from the Lord to heal (6:19). Jesus said that whatever He did, we too will be given the power to imitate and even do greater (Jn. 14:12). God gives the gift to everyone to love and heal. Do we honestly pray for this gift to be experienced in our daily lives?
The more we spend time with the Lord in prayer and reflect on His word, the more we will become like Him and usher others into His eternal kingdom.
Lord Jesus, hear the prayers from our lips and our hearts. May the time we spend with You and Your word, empower us to become luminaries of love and healing in this world. Amen.
Fr. Howie