There is an interesting stream of thought in today’s readings. Job is asked by God if he has ever “commanded the morning and shown the dawn its place” (Jb. 38:12). Jesus tells us to “become like children” who are guarded by angels (Mt. 18:1-5, 10). Despite our pride, ego and power, it is God who is ultimately in charge of our world and lives. Just as the sun’s rising and setting are in God’s hands, so too our birth and death are in His plans. Children instinctively trust that their parents will take care of them. We are called to trust in our heavenly Father who provides for our needs, gives grace in times of difficulty and assigns angels to watch over us. Trust God and be at peace. Lord Jesus, as You trusted in Your Father’s daily plans, teach us how to surrender our mind, will, heart and entire lives, knowing with confidence You will always care for us. Amen.
Fr. Howie