No act of goodness, no matter how small nor seemingly insignificant, ever goes unnoticed by God. In fact, any ‘drop’ of good we do is a direct result of God’s grace active in our lives. Jesus refers to the “mustard seed” and “yeast” of actions that expand into the kingdom of God (Lk. 13:18-21). This should inspire every believer to participate in kingdom building.
It is within the ambit of every man, woman, child and nation to make small acts of sacrifice and goodness for the greater glory of God. Each individual can speak an uplifting word; do an act that benefits another, or even offer heartfelt prayers for others. Every candle lit will illuminate the darkness. Every good act of love, mercy and healing will be God’s light.
Lord Jesus, You are the light of our lives. May the small acts of our kindness, generosity and goodness be accepted and expanded by You to light up our world. Amen.
Fr. Howie