Jesus declares that humility leads to exaltation (Lk. 14:7-11). There are many ways one can exercise humility. One way is to refrain from sitting in the seat of judgement, but take the ‘lower seat’ and allow God to be the judge. God is God and we are but human.
We all have various experiences and are prone to judge the exterior words and actions. But we are finite beings. Only God sees the heart, knows the mind and is fully aware of all the circumstances and contexts. In humility, exalt the Lord and He will lift us up.
Lord Jesus, Your love and mercy are without end. May we humbly surrender ourselves and all people into Your hands, so that Your word and Spirit may constantly prompt us to grow, do better and become the people You truly desire in Your kingdom. Amen.
(Notice: For those celebrating weekend Masses at Stella Maris today and tomorrow, kindly carry with you or have near you, a picture or memento of your departed loved one. We will commemorate All Souls at these Masses).
Fr. Howie