Today we celebrate All Saints. Who is a Saint? A Saint is one who allows the word of God and the grace He imparts to shape, fashion and form one’s life. There is a reliance and trust in God’ love, mercy and power. Jesus says we are “blessed” when we allow the Lord to be the focus and centre in all the activities of our lives (Mt. 5:1-12).
We are all called to be Saints. We are “blessed” by the Lord to be His ‘channels of peace’ as we journey through the ‘interior castle’ of our hearts or the ‘dark night’ of our souls. Our call to Sainthood begins with an earnest desire to please the Lord in all things. Step by step, we will find that we will decrease and the majesty of God will increase.
Lord Jesus, You bless us so that we can experience spiritual growth and inspire others to desire and do the same. May our lives serve to advance the glory of Your name. Amen.
Fr. Howie