“Today, salvation has come to this house” (Lk. 19:9). These words of Jesus reveal a very important truth: that it is only the presence of authentic love that garners change. He who ‘stands at the door and knocks’ (Rev. 13:20) comes in love to “seek and save what was lost” (Lk. 19:10). No individual is so distant in sin that God cannot rescue.
Whether it is Zacchaeus or ourselves, our loving Lord comes to pour His healing love upon us. It is our positive response to His presence that initiates true repentance. Zacchaeus did not convert because of the people’s judgement, but because he felt the touch of the Lord. Today, be open to God’s love and change for the better.
Lord Jesus, we hear you knocking on the door of our hearts. Give us the courage to let You in, to bask in Your loving presence, and to live lives of true conversion. Amen.
Fr. Howie