Unlike a beloved pet or a newborn infant, those of us who can think and talk are vocal in articulating our symptoms to a doctor in order to diagnose the malady and receive a cure. In the spiritual life, when we come to the Lord, imitating the leper (Mk. 1:49-45), we can also pour out our struggles, pains and sins to Him who has the power to heal us.
The more we choose to be ‘open’ with Doctor God, the greater room we give His ‘amazing grace’ to save, heal and restore us. God’s love will always revive our minds, hearts, bodies and souls. He who loves us without limits is never deaf to our cries nor slow to heal. Who is like our God? He is more than worthy of all praise. Give thanks to Him daily.
Lord Jesus, hear the prayers from our lips and our hearts. Heal us and restore us in Your sight. May we dedicate our health and strength to advancing Your eternal kingdom. Amen.
Fr. Howie