“Behold, your mother” (Jn. 19:27). The bond and love of a mother is beyond compare. She is the one who brings life into the world, and sustains life by her care. Mary was not only gifted to be the mother of Jesus, but was also given as a mother to John, part of the will of Jesus on the cross. John is identified as the one “whom Jesus loved” (Jn. 21:7).
To be clear, we are all disciples who Jesus loves. We too are seen by Jesus who gives each of us Mary’s maternal presence and love. Since the Church is the ‘body of Christ’, and Mary gave birth to Christ’s body, then we can appreciate today’s celebration of Mary, the mother of the Church. Like Jesus, let us live as Church in whom our Father is pleased.
Lord Jesus, You showed honour and real love for Mary Your mother, even as You were dying on the cross. May we choose to love as You love. May the honour we reveal to our mothers, Mary and all mother-figures, be the concrete sign of our identity in You. Amen.
Fr. Howie