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Daily Bytes

Writer's picture: Fr. Howard ThompsonFr. Howard Thompson

There is something beautiful about the widow in today’s gospel (Lk. 21:1-4). She was not rich, so her giving was not about competing with others nor being recognised for an award. She did not give from her surplus like the others but gave her all. She had no agenda nor any worry about how she would survive. She simply gave a pure offering to the Lord.

When we give, what are our pre-occupations? Do we give for the sake of pleasing the Lord and building His kingdom? Do we give so that we can be awarded for our generosity? Do we fulfil our promises and meet our obligations in assisting others? Does our giving come with strings attached? Can we honestly say we imitate the widow’s ‘purity’ in giving?

Always remember that the Lord loves a cheerful giver, whose ultimate aim is to please Him.

Loving Lord, You who ‘reign from the throne of the cross’ reveal the ultimate act of giving for our salvation. You poured out Your entire life so that we can re-enter paradise lost. May our own kindness in words and actions imitate Your generosity and lead us into eternal life. Amen.


Fr. Howie





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