It is interesting the choice of words Jesus used to liberate the possessed man in today’s gospel (Mk. 1:21-28). The first word from Jesus was, “Quiet” (Mk. 1:25). How often do we allow the words in our minds, on our lips or from others to make us restless?
When we have the courage to quiet ourselves in the presence of the Lord, it is then that He not only illuminates what needs to be healed, but also He commands that trait to, “Come out” (Mk. 1:25). God wants to cure us. Do we want His healing in our lives?
Lord Jesus, You who made us, know our strength and weakness; our virtue and vice; our freedom and captivity. Help us to be still in Your presence, and allow Your word to heal and restore us to our true selves: brothers and sisters who walk in harmony with You and each other. Amen.
Fr. Howie