What a beautiful image we have in today’s gospel, “The Father loves the Son and has given everything over to him” (Jn 3:35). Our Father has given to Jesus, all the love, joy, patience peace and goodness that is in His heart. All that the Father is, the Son receives and then shares it with all who follow Him. In this way, He and the Father are one (Jn. 10:30).
We can learn from this image and apply it in our daily lives. It is from the home that the son and daughter are sent into the world. A home filled with contention, strife, malice, constant quarrelling and fighting, will be revealed by the individual from that family. But a home that abounds in love, peace, mercy, patience and kindness, will manifest these in the world.
Therefore, make every effort to guide and shape the home to reflect the values of the Lord.
Lord Jesus, You are the fulness of the Father and reveal His loving mercy to all. Pour Your Spirit upon us, so that our lives and homes may radiate the values of Your kingdom. Amen.
Fr. Howie