Every child is dependent on the parent to be the first teacher in the ways of God. But the child also needs not only guidance in the word of God, but also a ‘face’ of God with whom the child can relate and draw close. This will set the tone of the child’s faith for life.
Revealing the ways and ‘face’ of God is what being a witness encapsulates. As Jesus our Lord revealed the word, ‘face’ and name of the Father (Jn. 17:6-8), so too we are called to reveal Him to all in our lives. Ours is the task is to inspire others to draw close to God.
Lord Jesus, as You reveal the Trinity of love to us through Your radiant and merciful face, may we choose to be effective witnesses who inspire others to love and live as a people destined for eternal life with You in heaven. Amen.
Fr. Howie