When the Lord speaks with us, it is His aim to help us to grow and inherit eternal life. There are times when His word will comfort and give us strength. But He will also speak what we do not want to hear, because it points to areas in our lives that need to change.
What is our attitude when the Lord speaks? If we are open to hear words that motivate and lift us up, are we just as ready to receive words that point to areas in our lives that need to be corrected? Do not imitate the people in today’s gospel (Lk. 4:24-30).
The Lord wants us to spend eternity with Him. Listen to all He says so that we may live.
Lord Jesus, we welcome the good things You say to us. Help us to listen in humility to the things that You direct us to change in our lives. May our response lead to eternal life. Amen
Fr. Howie