Our Lenten journey is now getting intensified. The readings get longer and the call for our introspection gets louder. As we continue reflecting on our Lenten theme, ‘Give Me your heart’, we hear the Lord speaking about forgiving “from your heart” (Mt. 18:21-35).
We prove ourselves to be true Disciples of the Lord when we follow Him and His word. But our weaknesses often surface. This is why the Lord tells us to forgive without limit (77 times) and be sincere in our love. Our merciful God desires that we show mercy to all.
Lord Jesus, even as You were being crucified, You pleaded for forgiveness for those who caused You pain and eventual death. Help us to imitate Your limitless love and mercy. May our choosing to forgive everyone from our heart win our own pardon from sin. Amen.
Fr. Howie