The Stella Maris Altar Servers’ Ministry is open to anyone who feels called to serve on the altar, specifically assisting the Priest during liturgical celebrations...Read more
Our faith formation as Roman Catholics is an ongoing experience, reflecting on life, scripture, church teachings, in light of the Holy Spirit who guides in all truth and understanding. There is much to learn as a Roman Catholic and the Adult Sunday School aims to satisfy the questions that adults need to have answered...Read more

The Bereavement Ministry
“Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted. “- Matthew 5:4
The members of the Bereavement Ministry visit and assist the families of departed loved ones. We meet every 3rd Sunday at 11:00am. Come and join this Ministry of being God's face of comfort.
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As a Stewardship Community, we use the gifts given to us by God, to share His love with others by giving freely and generously of our time, talent and treasure. With more than twenty ministries and programmes - our Stella Maris Community offers parishioners several opportunites to serve the Church as well as other in need of our help.
Seeking to imitate Christ in all we do, we extend ourselves to welcome, feed, clothe, visit and take care of our less fortunate brothers and sisters. It is important that our words and deeds should reflect to others that we are true disciples of the Lord...as we seek to honor His great commission "to go out and make disciples of all nations".
Therefore, through His love we seek to bring others to Him; full of hope, called to proclaim our faith, to evangelize and enkindle God's people, and to serve the needs of others in everything we do.
Sharing God's Love...Giving of our time, talent & treasure!