Welcome To Our Parish...May your time here be Blessed!​
Welcome to Stella Maris Roman Catholic Church website. I pray that our website will serve as a catalyst to help ignite the flame of faith in your heart, and excite your journey towards a very real and personal encounter with Jesus Christ and love for His Church.
Wherever you are in your own faith journey, there is a place for you here at Stella Maris Roman Catholic Church. You are invited to come and worship with us at any one of our three (3) weekend Masses: Saturday 6:00pm, Sunday 7:00am and 9:00am.
Stella Maris Roman Catholic Church, is a stewardship, community called by God to use the gifts of our time, talent and treasure to build His kingdom. As Catholic Christians, we are called by God to receive His gifts gratefully, to cultivate them responsibly, to lovingly share them with others, and return them with increase to the Lord. "As each has received a gift, employ it for one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace" (1 Pt. 4:10).
Stewardship is a way of life. It is a blessing and an opportunity for each of us to put love into concrete action. When we answer God’s call, it allows us to use our hands, voices, minds and hearts to carry out His holy work by saying "Yes Lord!"
As Catholics, we look to Jesus the Word, for guidance in living as good stewards. The life of a Catholic steward imitates the life of Christ. This can be quite challenging. However, God grants joy and peace to those who step out in faith and take the risk to follow His way.
As a Christian community, we strive to be stewards in our personal vocations. The Priest, Deacon, Religious and Laity are encouraged to be open to the movement of the Holy Spirit in building the mission of the Church. God has entrusted the world to our care. We are called to joyfully appreciate the beauty and wonder of creation; protect and preserve the environment; respect human life and play our part in advancing the welfare of our country.
Father Richard Brown invites our church Family and Friends to aim higher, and seeks to wade deeper into the waters of faith. We are to climb the higher rungs on the ladder of evangelisation and service. All are challenged to forge an intimate relationship with God, so that we may advance His will and purpose in our lives. As a family, we seek to keep our Church aflame with the power of the Holy Spirit, so that we may shine brightly as ‘stars of the sea’, dedicated to the greater glory of God.
Once again, on behalf of our Parish we welcome you to our website and invite you to become a member of our Stella Maris Church Family if you are searching for a home.